Building Office

Founded 2006 in London by Aras Burak. Starting with Massive House, over scaled villa in Istanbul, office worked on replacement for Galatasaray's old stadium Ali Sami Yen with a Park/Stadium as well as the Football City in Seyrantepe where the new stadium is located.

Merged with the academic work of Aras Burak in University of East London in 2003, the promenade project in Singapore Marina Bay was the very first design of us that is developed further in time. The house designed for a client in Istanbul in 2006 started the tradition of September House by Building Office.

Twisting Dubai Towers, a mega tower with two merging giant atrium and sandwich type programmed West Silvertown Station were together with the Residensteel project in 2006 were produced when civil engineer partner of the office, Aris Kozmidis officially joined us.

With the support of Jeff Turko and Michael Hensel in 2007 Yuva Housing project was done. In 2007 summer Zorlu Center design was a kick-off as an even more collective design work.

In 2008 being part of the studies of Aras Burak in Architectural Association in London, Urban Room with the support of Jonathan Dawes and Scobie Alvis and Mahalle Vertical, Mahalle Horizontal projects with the support of Natasha Sandmeier and Monia de Marchi were formed.

As a criticism of the architects' non academic production methods Reading Office was formed in 2009 to supply the in house critics and professional research people such as journalists as part of the design process instead of the building designers being the people pretending to be functioning like researchers and their own critic. Reading Office also aims to provide an income for the Building Office that is from non-building but building related products which also allows Building Office to refuse any design work that is not interesting.

Building Office / Reading Office
Chicago, Istanbul, Singapore